Dr. Berry,
Extra school day’s? Dr. Berry we shouldn't have extra days of school at the end of the year, because it takes time out of our summer, and it deprives us of quality time with our family.
Although I realize that school is important for college and for just being educated. What are we gonna get out of two extra days of school?
Taking time out of our summer is like opening worlds of fun late, its just not fair to us. We would have two extra days of being angry, and losing time we could be at the pool. While other school districts are out at the pool we have our heads on our desks being bored. And also it takes time out of your summer!
I don’t know if you have kids or a wife, but for most people we will want to spend some quality time with our family. We have been in school all year and we want a break! Some students might even have planned a vacation that you are scheduling school on. Then they would have to cancel reservations and all. All of Olathe would be let down!
If you add school days you are taking our family time away, and taking away our summer. It’s just wrong and you should take this into consideration before making your decision.