Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Poems are very difficult to write
It is hard to think of things to put down
It is impossible to get it right

I'll stay up for hours even at night
Dawn or dusk or with a circus and clown
Poems are very difficult to write

For most people all they need is a light
For me, I need the help of the whole town
It is impossible to get it right

I will wait and wait until I have light
Then I will type without a single sound
Poems are very difficult to write

Now I will lie here with my great boy hound
For he is my friend I love with all might
It is impossible to get it right

So as the poem begins to see light
I will lay down, will not make a loud sound
Poems are very difficult to write
It is impossible to get it right

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I love my basketball with all my might
It brings me joy and happiness
Even when I play basketball at night
I have a new one but won't like it less
I play basketball with my friends all day
We will stay outside for hours on end
Breakfast, lunch, dinner skip so we can play
When we play ball there is never an end
I never stop playing for simple chores
Whenever I play I feel like a pro
So why would I stop to just go indoors
I love basketball so much at my home
So in the end thats all I have to say
So play basketball and have a nice day

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Concrete poem

Stephen King:Different Seasons~Shawshank Redemption

I realized that most people in prison back in the 50's and 60's. Its wierd how back then it wasn't as bad of an environment to be in as it is today. If I ever went to prison I would want my prison to be like Shawshank's. There are less gangs and alot less violence.

I'd like to know why there is no conflict in the story yet. Most stories would address what the conflict is and who the conflict affects. It is a very unorthodox writer that wrote this story. Also I'd like to know why I don't know the main characters name yet.

If I were the author I would have addressed the conflict in my story by now. Rita Hayworth writes books very unusually. I have never read a book that takes this long to address the actual conflict. Books aren't as good if their is no conflict.

I was reminded of stories like holes that have similar plots. In holes Stanley Yelnats has the same kind of experience, because he is also in prison. The only difference is that Stanley accidently got put into prison, whereas the character from Shawshank redemption got put there for a reason.

I noticed that I do not know the main characters name yet in the story! it is actually kind of frustrating not knowing the main characters name in the book. If someone asked me the main characters name, I would not know what to tell them.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I linger high in the night sky
I'm only seen at night, nocturnal
I change size as the year goes by

My blue luminescense illuminates the street at night
I watch over you, like a watchman, as you sleep
Sometimes a circle, sometimes a crescent

The sun illuminates me
When we align it creates something special
I cast a shadow on the world.